Monday, January 30, 2012

Love Local Music

Greetings and Salutations. I've been working with the good folk over at Veer Magazine over the last couple of months as a member of the judge's panel for their upcoming Local Music Awards on February 15. By "working" I mean listening to lots of music and telling the powers that be what I'm digging....and interviewing local trio DJP & Mr T for their cover story about local bands and the show. Read it here.

OK Back to the Awards Show:

The contest works like this: 

There's some judges (like me and many other bloggers, promoters, musicians, writers, DJ's, etc. involved in the local scene). 

Those judges name a bunch of stuff we like. 

Those results are tallied and sent out to YOU: the eyes and ears of 757 Music.

You vote HERE.

The judges also vote on those finalists--but with some fairness and rules so we can't just promote our friends and interests. 

The results come in and are announced February 15 at The Naro. The show is going to be awesome. You should go go go if you're in town.

The performing bands are following the show's mantra "Love Your Local Music" and its proximity to Valentine's Day. Their only song requirement is that the title must contain the word "love."

Come! Enjoy some Starr Hill Love, some "Love Me Do" and some Love from your fellow music nerds.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Suburban Vid

Here's an awesome video from local band Suburban Living shot around Norfolk. Enjoy the sound and then check out more of their sweet tunes here. It's so pretty.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


2011 was a fun year for music photography. Here's  some of the best bands I shot last year.