Wednesday, November 2, 2011

N: Word.

Saw a Facebook post just now asking for a cool local picture. I don't have a current one. I've been shooting sporadically and mainly bands lately. But I do have some favorites from previous blogs...just some things I've noticed in my frequent local wanderings...

*My city houses my people.*

Two things we got. Hula hoopers and Crosswalks. 

Sticker on an old rusty trash can at Haven Creek boat launch.

Suffolk Center for  Cultural Arts

Christopher Newport University

Waterside summer on a foggy day.

This was not Halloween. It was a spring night in the Freemason.

And here's something I made last week with some of my shots and amazing ones from other locals' work. It was inspirational to scour the internet looking for cool images of our city. I used the image in an introduction video to describe my city to the greater Airbnb community.