Saturday, July 10, 2010

Smashing Saturday Playlist


Following Courtney Love (performing as Hole) a couple of weeks ago, this week I will see Smashing Pumpkins (aka Billy Corgan & Strangers). She name dropped Corgan a couple of times, I believe using the term "Billy Pumpkin," (which isn't a bad name for my firstborn son). Check that link--as I took some waycool pictures. I'll post some other outtakes here the next time I'm in-Love (mode).

Anyway. Pumpkins. After Thursday, REM is the only 90s band to remain lonely and unheard on my bucket list. I have a couple that won't happen (Nirvana), are hybrid bands (Audioslave instead of Rage or Soundgarden) or have happened in updated forms (Hole is a perfect example). But I'm doing pretty good--having seen real versions of Pixies, Sonic Youth, Phish, STP, Pearl Jam, and so on.

I technically have seen all three original members of the Pumpkins except Billy Corgan. I was even trapped on an elevator with James Iha during SXSW a few years ago. I'm stoked nonetheless.

I have listened to Gish, both Mellon Collies, Siamese Dream, and Accoustic in France today. Pics to the show will be up next weekend.

Open Me

Halloween Idea #9

Can of Worms indicates literal and implied, which is always a good way to start anything--costume, conversation, and so on. Wikipedia says:

"A can of worms is a complex, troublesome situation arising when a decision or action produces considerable subsequent problems."

Pros: Easy to construct. Can make worms by stuffing socks. Can glue fake worms to my face. Can tape tabloids and pictures referencing politics and religion to the "can." Gummy worms will obviously come into play somewhere.

Cons: Probably uncomfortable to walk around as a "can" all night.

Only three months to go!