Saturday, July 17, 2010

Billy Pumpkin in Khaki

Went to the Smashing Pumpkins show Thursday night. Jesse did an Alt review and my pics made it in. They're not the best shots. I had a photo pass but it meant nada, as we weren't allowed to take pictures from the front--so I was fighting for shots over drunk people's shoulders and from balcony edges, etc.

So, what's noticeable about these pics? I think the answer is obvious: dad khaki's. They're like mom jeans with more creasing. I always knew Corgan was geeky, but dude, he was full on Weird Uncle Bill that night.

Did he rock? Yes. Did I feel it? Not so much. The songs were good. There wasn't any genericism going on and if you closed your eyes, the noise shoegaze sensors would momentarily take over. But those moments kept passing. I kept reawakening to lots of sweaty people there, all looking to be having a good time, but none over-the-top. I need my shows--especially my sold out classic act ones--to produce a few nutjobs and rock-o's dressed all crazy or singing all crazy or moshing or screaming or something. This wasn't the case.

Let's say you worked at a major corporate cube-city--like Geico or Liberty Tax or something...Let's say corporate decided you all got to see a famous, respected grunge band for free--but only with your co-workers, managers, etc. It adds a filter to the experience. It becomes concert-lite.

Billy Pumpkin: You were concert-lite.