Saturday, November 27, 2010

Legends Start Local

It should surprise no one that I'm most passionate about music and supporting our local scene. I'm very lucky to have the opportunity to put together The Rise Up!, a local music showcase December 4 at The Attucks Theater. I'll be writing more about it soon.

Below are six designs representing why shows like this (and support for them) is important. A world without The Beatles, Jeff Buckley, Bob Dylan is not a world I would want to reside in. I hope I get to do more and more of this kind of show, and hope more and more of you annonymous folks out there on the interwebs dig it. Even if you can't go, you can listen.

One day people may say they can't imagine a world without Phillip Roebuck or 1888 or K. Scott. I'll be proud to have been a small speck in that statement.