Friday, February 11, 2011


ode to beatown

slowey schmoozey 
with that rare red wine friday
but not
skype (in poetry!)
but those 
berwick accents
bring back memories
young me
unplugged in new york
still music
still words
less people i love
more people i know though


Halloween Idea #12

My February pick in the Halloween game is the Joker in drag from The Dark Knight. Batman is my favorite superhero and one of my favorite characters of all time and I've somehow never incorporated this into a costume.

I love how creepy and sad Heath Ledger played the Joker in this version and especially love some of the kooky stuff that came out of his portrayal. It felt more artistic than a lot of superhero films...more like a character versus a caricature.

Pros: I already own a nurse's costume and clipboard, so it would be inexpensive. I love all things Bat.

Cons: It's been done. A-lot.

Only nine months to go!