Thursday, February 3, 2011


You may have read today that a historian/scientist hybrid has come out with evidence that the Mona Lisa (one of the, if not THE world's most famous work of art) was really a man. Rumors have been swirling for most of modern times that the painting was more than meets the eye (from the figure being a hybrid of many people in Da Vinci's life, to his young boy-lover, to--remember Da Vinci Code?--the Virgin Mary and God combined.)

I'm neutral on this one. However, in recognition of the painting's importance and longevity, and in the spirit of all the beauty of androgyny, some of my favorite androgynous photos and variations on Mona Lisa are below. 


In my research, I discovered some more time killers online. First, Fuck Yeah Androgyny, which is a user-content driven site where fans upload pics of themselves or their inspiration and we can guess whether the person is male or female. This may sound tasteless (and it can be, at times) but it's overall very positive. Androgyny, to me, is the most basic form of human, bordering on otherworldly.

Above, model Andrej Pejic shows more about what we perceive about body and image than any traditional model (or PSA), but in the photo below you'd be hard pressed to determine what he is, except, obviously, beautiful.
