Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Heather's House

I went to my friend Heather's house in Charlottesville, VA this weekend and took some pics of her house:
We remember helping our grandmothers can green beans when we were little. And picking wild blackberries.
We have crushes on James Franco.
We listened to "Slow Down Ghandi" by Sage Francis and drank Charlottesville wines.

Watched Fast Times at Ridgemont High, The Savages, Secretary, Vice Guide to Travel, The Dancing Outlaw, Anthony Bourdain, Nirvana 1992 Reading Festival Set, Queen videos, & Arrested Development

I was introduced to The Dancing Outlaw. Reminisced on how we actually know people like him.

Finished my trip with Mudhouse coffee and a trip to Sugar Hollow.

Au Function

You can now order gloves with dots on the fingertips for easy use of touchscreen technology. All the subway riders/skateboarders/etc can now use their ipods or iphones without taking off their gloves. If I lived in a colder climate, these would be a must-have. They can be found at