Sunday, October 24, 2010

Saturday Playlist

Started at 8 am, after two hours sleep. Whew!

Got a sweet opportunity to be in the ODU Homecoming Parade, which was awesome. Above is Chris E. Barb, our Undead Michael Jackson at next Friday's Zombie Prom at Taphouse. He danced MJ through the whole thing! I got two hours or so of was awesome. I thought I'd get burned out on the same rotation of songs, but I didn't. 

I like MJ, but never called myself a "fan." The more time I've spent planning this show and time with Chris has made me realize more and more of the merits of his entire performance--well beyond music, incorporating dance (obviously), costume, vocal nuance, effects, production, and on and on. It's not that I didn't already know these things, it's that I didn't add them all up. The media hype of the trainwreck that was this guy...I never did it. 

Not sure I regret it, but am stoked--stoked--to see Chris E. Barb this Friday and to have a great MJ night.

Relaxed for a while. Yelled at Hannah for playing "Radar Love." Enjoyed that people are boycotting the  silence at Taphouse's patio by bringing iPhones and enjoying their own music on speaker. It's fun. 

BEIRUT. pic: ZME Music via NME

Jesse turned Adam & I onto a band called Beirut. Nice, nice. I'm liking the non-mainstream musical instrument renaissance that's been happening around me this past year or so. It's refreshing.

Went to Attucks Theater for the end of Discovery Music Series' Paul Thorn show. I was unfamiliar with his music, but he's the first musician I've seen in a long time whose merch made me know what he sounded like from scratch. He had great merch, including individual EP's sealed with red wax. It was iconoclastic and DIY...kind of like a lot of us in Norfolk are right now.

Grateful Dead interlude (via cassette---that's right---cassette!!). Realized one of my friend's actually has legit Dead shows. Twas rad.

Went to Taphouse for Ben Phelps. Goods outweighed bads. Badass Badass saxophone player (speaking of the non-guitar/bass band revolution). Some solid jams.


Drove home to Modest Mouse on CD (several CD's set to shuffle--not a specific album). Modest Mouse is my favorite. Don't care if people found out about them or not. They're good. They touch me. I have good, great, and spectacular memories of them throughout the years.

Got home and Adam's playing my old Squire. Sitting here listening now.