Monday, May 2, 2011

Some People Call Me Maurice

Midnight Toker.

Went to see Steve Miller Band on Friday night. The above tapestry was the second best thing about the show, trailing only behind the stage set-up revealed upon its dropping.  It was a bucket list kind of concert. I'd never seen him before, know a ton of his songs, and who doesn't like free beer?

The big surprise was Miller's backup singer (whom I will refer to as fatbald Wayne Newton.) This guy ruined the show for me. I cropped him out of my photos out of principle. He had a decent voice but worse dance moves than a toddler. Like a lot of older artists, Miller's voice isn't what it used to be. However, as much as it might suck to see Willie Nelson or Bob Dylan have to tone it down onstage, those artists would never consider taking a complete backseat to an unattractive, mediocre unknown. Wayne's dancing was so distracting, I found the only way to really enjoy the show was not to look at it. And Miller even let him sing entire songs solo! Whaddabumma!
Anyway, I took some photos...

A rare moment where Miller actually proves he's not a robot.

Very cool astrology-meets-rock backdrop (aka, the best part of the show.)

He can sing, just chooses not to.

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