Wednesday, April 20, 2011

About Time

Margaret Kilgallen

The next year and a half in NYC are lucky times for all of us interested in grafitti art. For the first time in US history, a major exhibition of the history of street art (including artists' works, as well as photography and film surrounding the phenomenon) will be show. First at MOCA, Art in the Streets is showing the exhibit now through mid-August. Then a break...Then it's back March-July 2012 at the Brooklyn Museum (which is quickly becoming one of my favorite places in New York.)

Fab Five Freddy. Pic: Format Magazine

Futura 2000

 The exhibit will feature artists like Fab Five Freddy and Futura (above) and photography/video from Terry Richardson and Spike Jonze (below.)

Pic: Terry Richardson

Juxtaopoz feat. Spike Jonze

The gallery (and curator) that started it all, Fun Galler/Patti Astor is essentially popping up in the middle of all this with works by Keith Haring and Jean-Michel Basquiat (whom they broke in the1980s, and whom are amongst my favorite artists of all time.)

Keith Haring with some graffiti.


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