Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Haring Refresher

I watched a documentary on Annie Leibowitz for photography class last night and the above picture was referenced. It'd been years since I thought  of Keith Haring (the artist and model in the above picture). So I went on a bit of a web-adventure to bring out some of my favorite Haring's. I hope to own one someday.

"His bold lines, vivid colors, and active figures carry strong messages of life and unity." wiki-wiki

I love how simple it is to look at. Clean, innocent, connected. In reality, it is neither clean nor innocent--but it makes you want to try to get there.

I was a kid when this came out. I looked at the album art months after the holiday season was over and we were no longer listening to the music.

Haring's "portrait" of his friend Andy Warhol.

His famous "Radiant Baby."

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