Saturday, January 9, 2010

Saturday Playlist

-"Amusement Parks on Fire" by Amusement Parks on Fire
I remember buying this because I liked the band name. I grew to like the band.

-"Bleach" by Nirvana
They were sooo young.

-"The Bar" by BT
My cousin wrote this song. Only a small group of people now flung worldwide know it. This blues version randomly popped up on my ipod and I didn't even know I had it. Made my morning.

-"Eraser" by Thom Yorke
He's crazy.

-typing Bat for Lashes in my iphones Pandora
It turned me onto Metric...reminds me of Today the Moon Tomorrow the Sun sorta. I'm gonna download some more.

-"Pinkerton" by Weezer
Lyrics make me laugh...but it jams.

"Lovers" by Sleepy Jackson
Indie Lee Hazlewood vibes with a Dylan/Petty lyrical twist.

-Jeff Buckley pandora radio
Heard "Lucky" by Radiohead. Missed Adam's old band Softstone. Dawn sang the hell out of this song.

1 comment:

jESiO said...

re-read this post to myself the other day and added Dawn and Rob as FB friends. Sounds like they're all still playing music, which is awesome... Adam's moved on to a 1/2 90s & alt country cover band -- 1/2--loudrock QOTSA meets AIC meets Wilco called Flies With Honey. They're recording now but played a lot of Hells Kitchen shows and 2 Norva shows last year...