Wednesday, May 2, 2012

We Are All Yellow

The Beatles' 1968 trippy cartoon Yellow Submarine is coming to DVD after a few dormant decades spent missing from any self-respecting music fan's DVD/VHS collection. In fact, I've had a VHS copy of this on my Amazon wishlist for a couple of years but no one was interested in dropping $250 on it for me.

It'll be remastered and all that fun stuff. The best part, however, is the prelude to the release: A string of dates at cinemas over the rest of May!!! Click here to see a nationwide schedule and find a showing in your market. It's playing here May 7 in Chesapeake and I am so there. 

I'm at the age where my friends are starting to have kids and I never know what to buy them. I don't really do pink, fluffy, or expensive which leaves me with limited options sometimes. I think my go-to toddler birthday gift will henceforth be a copy of this film. Auntie jESiO cool-points coming my way!

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