Tuesday, April 10, 2012

April Tools Day

Some friends and I spent April 1 making a sort of New Year's Resolution pact. Mine was to spend more time on photography than I have been. First order of business is re-TOOL-ing a few shots I took of Tool at Hampton Coliseum last month. 

The original shots were pretty bad. You can read why (and see them) here if you dare. These three shots aren't the bees knees either, but it's noticeable what spending an extra few minutes will do. 

These aren't shots I'd ever expect published, but I especially like the lines in the top two. The first being more artistic than journalistic, so it was fun playing with how to make the light make Maynard's lower half disappear. The second is my personal fave, though. I like how his body is the dividing line between light and dark--which is something April 1 is for me, ironically.


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