Monday, February 1, 2010

Costume Couture


Halloween Idea #4

I was reading the new Interview this weekend and realized how fun it would be to dress as Karl Lagerfeld for Halloween. Visually, I'm a big fan of androgyny in fashion/photography/etc. It's hard to pull it off without looking gay or campy (not that there's anything wrong with looking gay or campy--but it's not the same thing as angrog). The interesting thing is, Lagerfeld himself doesn't look androgynous, but a woman dressed as him might...

So I googled "Karl Lagerfeld Costume" and found image 2. It's from Jessica at whatiwore, and she blogged about it last October, thus making my idea secondhand. However, going back to my first Halloween post on Frida Kahlo, as well as my post on cover songs, even if underlying structure of the idea isn't one's own, one can still take it further outside of the box, making it newly original and true to self. If I decide to do this costume come October, I can thank Jessica for showing me one version of how to do it, and move on to find my own...

Pro's: No one else I know will dress as this and it's inexpensive.
Cons: Someone else already did this. It won't be a group costume. May be unrecognizable depending on what party I have/go to.

Only 8 months to go!