pic: homedosh.com
This isn't a normal Saturday playlist. Last Saturday, though, I relistened to Sketches for My Sweetheart the Drunk again (for the millionth time--but the first in a while) and was drawn to the lyrics. It's been a poetic week over at AltDaily, FYI, so if you're into real literature, check it out. It's better than my scribbles. It's Pulitzer.
This post is an experiement in three parts.
1. Homage to existing art I love (Buckley--using his album as the base).
2. Poetry (Using lyrics from Sketches, I pare down to create a new poem).
3. Internet challenge (Each image was used from a Google search of the song title with no cheating)
pic: flickr
The storm has ripped the shelter
Of illusion from our brow
To snuff out the mind that moves
Moving with grace the men despise
And women have learned to lose
pic: plfoto.com
I know the tears we cried
Have dried on yesterday
The sea of fools has parted for us
pic: photemera.blogspot.com
I once was open and one
With a travelling heart
Just like the fiction
Rushing in your riverbed
I am a railroad track abandoned
With the sunset

pic: files.myopera.com
Beware the bottled thoughts of angry young men
pic: yard of blonde girls myspace
Through the yard of blonde girls
Through the river and the sea
Gold sharks glittering
A tree of white
Breaks the earth
The streets where Lola played
(yeah, this one is perfect as is)
pic: deviantart
You tell me all the ways around my garden that you like
I float just like a bubble
I can't help from looking
Outside for a guarantee

Fall in light
Feel no shame for what you are
As you now are in your blood
Join us in the streets where we
Don't belong, don't belong
You and the stars
You and the stars
Throwing light
pic: flickr
A kiss Goodnight from every
Stranger that I meet
True self is what
Brought you here
Friendship battered down by
Useless history
Unexamined failure
But what am I still to you
Some thief who stole from you?
A heart that beats as
Both siphon and reservoir
pic: chateaugranville.com
With lines of escape in my mouth
I'm your loan shark of bliss
As if we are pure in the rain of our contentment
As if I can think of this no more.
pic: bontalampas.blogs.friendster.com
You and I
Tears that dry on a rude awakened child
pic: torontoist.com
Paranoia will write the world prayer
They read a list of all who cannot stay
Two cripples dancing
To the end we live
I am the ghost who comes and goes
And I hope I'll catch you
In the throws of one last look at the wonder
We had a birthplace in common
pic: eraofcasualfridays.net
Not a trampoline of the freaks
pic: acquiescetomusic.files.wordpress.com
As I cuddled the porcupine
He said I had none to blame, but me
You're sitting in your comfort
Who needs illusion
When you're out walking in the streets
pic: jeffbuckleygod
Be one with all you disowned in your young life
pic: 3squadron.org.au
Dark is the city where the white girls walk by
Down below your eyes
How would you like to be the happiest man in the world?
Whose blistered paws Harvest cut
It takes place on a sunlit lace and the backbone broken
pic: flickr
I take off my belt
Oh, I whip the staircase
Whip the staircase

pic: artraart.com
Come closer, that bonfire holds his life like stones
Like sapphires in boxcars speeding towards the end
Like thieves, my bad luck grows
You left some stars in my belly

pic: flickr
The wealthiest person is a pauper at times
Compared to the man with a satisfied mind
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