Was dreaming of merch and photoshop class and success and failure and all that jumbled schtick. Woke up with this image in my head and made it in Fireworks becuase, alas, I really do suck at Photoshop...
Friday, July 23, 2010
Wonder what they were all doing together? This was either the scariest or most amazing night of someone's life. Wish I knew whose...
not my music
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Haring Refresher
I watched a documentary on Annie Leibowitz for photography class last night and the above picture was referenced. It'd been years since I thought of Keith Haring (the artist and model in the above picture). So I went on a bit of a web-adventure to bring out some of my favorite Haring's. I hope to own one someday.
"His bold lines, vivid colors, and active figures carry strong messages of life and unity." wiki-wiki
I love how simple it is to look at. Clean, innocent, connected. In reality, it is neither clean nor innocent--but it makes you want to try to get there.
I was a kid when this came out. I looked at the album art months after the holiday season was over and we were no longer listening to the music.
Haring's "portrait" of his friend Andy Warhol.
His famous "Radiant Baby."
not my art
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Billy Pumpkin in Khaki
Went to the Smashing Pumpkins show Thursday night. Jesse did an Alt review and my pics made it in. They're not the best shots. I had a photo pass but it meant nada, as we weren't allowed to take pictures from the front--so I was fighting for shots over drunk people's shoulders and from balcony edges, etc.
So, what's noticeable about these pics? I think the answer is obvious: dad khaki's. They're like mom jeans with more creasing. I always knew Corgan was geeky, but dude, he was full on Weird Uncle Bill that night.
Did he rock? Yes. Did I feel it? Not so much. The songs were good. There wasn't any genericism going on and if you closed your eyes, the noise shoegaze sensors would momentarily take over. But those moments kept passing. I kept reawakening to lots of sweaty people there, all looking to be having a good time, but none over-the-top. I need my shows--especially my sold out classic act ones--to produce a few nutjobs and rock-o's dressed all crazy or singing all crazy or moshing or screaming or something. This wasn't the case.
Let's say you worked at a major corporate cube-city--like Geico or Liberty Tax or something...Let's say corporate decided you all got to see a famous, respected grunge band for free--but only with your co-workers, managers, etc. It adds a filter to the experience. It becomes concert-lite.
Billy Pumpkin: You were concert-lite.
my photos,
not my music
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Yes, I'm a good seven years behind the rest of you. I just saw Amelie for the first time....
And I want the following:
A Garden Gnome. Seriously. Someone remember this at Christmastime.
pic: tinytines.com
Docs with Dresses. I will start this trend again myself if no one else gets with it by fall.
pic: istillshootfilm.org
Hipstamatic Paris middays.

pic: pixelsatanexhibition.com
"It puts you in the perspective of history. You feel like you're just passing through this place, borrowing it for a while. In a hundred years, it will be the next group, then the next. Big old cities do that."--Angelina Jolie in the newest Vanity Fair.
pic: trekearth.com
A scavenger hunt--or at least a small tattoo of a blue chalk arrow.
"The fool looks at the finger that points to the sky."~~Amelie
not my film
Dude: The Out Takes
Bowling for Russia
So I went to The Big Lebowski pre-party, show, baloon fight Friday night. See the awesome via shots from Sam and myself and illustrations from the psycho-talented Walt Taylor here. Below are some extras I shot that didn't have anywhere else to hang out.
Me and Donny (aka Adam)
Porn Is Funny
I loved him
Sam's Pre-Party
all pics by jESiO except pic of jESiO--which is by Grant Cothran
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Smashing Saturday Playlist
pic: hitzonly.com
Following Courtney Love (performing as Hole) a couple of weeks ago, this week I will see Smashing Pumpkins (aka Billy Corgan & Strangers). She name dropped Corgan a couple of times, I believe using the term "Billy Pumpkin," (which isn't a bad name for my firstborn son). Check that link--as I took some waycool pictures. I'll post some other outtakes here the next time I'm in-Love (mode).
Anyway. Pumpkins. After Thursday, REM is the only 90s band to remain lonely and unheard on my bucket list. I have a couple that won't happen (Nirvana), are hybrid bands (Audioslave instead of Rage or Soundgarden) or have happened in updated forms (Hole is a perfect example). But I'm doing pretty good--having seen real versions of Pixies, Sonic Youth, Phish, STP, Pearl Jam, and so on.
I technically have seen all three original members of the Pumpkins except Billy Corgan. I was even trapped on an elevator with James Iha during SXSW a few years ago. I'm stoked nonetheless.
I have listened to Gish, both Mellon Collies, Siamese Dream, and Accoustic in France today. Pics to the show will be up next weekend.
not my music,
saturday playlist
Open Me
Halloween Idea #9
Can of Worms indicates literal and implied, which is always a good way to start anything--costume, conversation, and so on. Wikipedia says:
"A can of worms is a complex, troublesome situation arising when a decision or action produces considerable subsequent problems."
Pros: Easy to construct. Can make worms by stuffing socks. Can glue fake worms to my face. Can tape tabloids and pictures referencing politics and religion to the "can." Gummy worms will obviously come into play somewhere.
Cons: Probably uncomfortable to walk around as a "can" all night.
Only three months to go!
Friday, July 9, 2010
Fake Plastic Monsters
"It's magical. It's what art is about." Joshua Allen Harris on his inflatable sculptures.

Click HERE to watch a clip of NYC artist Joshua Allen Harris discuss how he takes trash bags and creates art. He's exactly the kind of artist who embodies the qualities Art/Everywhere and the like had. He's saving the planet by recycling plastic bags. He's putting the art on the street for pedestrians and everyday citizens to enjoy. He's whimsical. I love it.
not my art
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Thriller Nights
all pics: jESiO
Better late than never, I finally got a chance to upload my pictures from Thursday's Busking at Art/Everywhere Closing Night. Great times were had by all.